Yemen Peace Project

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Director's Forum: Yemen, US Policy, and You - Washington, DC 3/22/2015

Join YPP executive director William Picard for a presentation on America’s role in the ongoing upheaval in Yemen, an overview of the work of the Yemen Peace Project, and a discussion about how Americans--and members of the Yemeni-American community in particular--can get involved. The discussion will touch on all three of the YPP’s current program areas, with a special focus on our new Advocacy program. This program is intended to amplify the voices of activists and experts in Yemen and the Yemeni diaspora, and to ensure that the views of Yemenis are represented in policy discussions in the US and the international community.

This event is free and open to the public; all are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

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[column size="1/2"]Sunday 3/22, 2:00pm-3:30pm Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library Room A-5 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001[/column]

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